Haven Hills Farm Great Pyrenees

Light Blue Girl (Reserved)




Light Blue Girl is the largest of our female pups.  She is also one of our most interesting—extremely intelligent, happy, energetic, and ready to work at the slightest direction from us.  She has high energy compared to the others but that energy is easily channeled in good directions.  She sits high in the litter as far as dominance goes—and will likely be a good trainer and leader for other LGDs in her later years. She likes dominant personalities and bonds strongly with people she respects, taking cues quickly from them.  She is watchful and aware of what is going on around her with little desire to run off and chase unknowns.  She is exuberant in greetings.  She follows readily on walks.  We expect, with good training, for her to be a star perimeter-style LGD or farm dog.

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