Haven Hills Farm Great Pyrenees

Pink Girl (Reserved)




Pink Girl is smallest of our three females by a hair.  Pink is one of our sweetest pups—extremely intelligent, independent, and eager to please us.  Though she is small and low in the dominance of the litter, she has plenty of confidence and has no problem asserting herself with the other puppies when she wants to play.  She is content to be alone, but also cares very much for the people she has bonded with.  She follows happily during walks and loves to give kisses and be petted.  She does not get overly anxious when experiencing something new.  We expect her to be a lot like her mom, Rosa, as she reminds us of her when she was a puppy.  Rosa is an incredible perimeter style LGD, farm dog, and pet.  Little Pink has all this potential as well, but she is an improvement on her mom in breed standard.

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